Holy Week

Religious Program

23 March | Saturday

9 PM
Transfer of the Images
Route: Igreja da Misericórdia – Praça de Santa Maria – Largo de São Tiago

24 March | PALM SUNDAY

3 PM
Blessing and Procession of Palms
This procession recalls the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem
Route: Igreja de São João – Igreja de Santa Maria

3h30 PM
Mass Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion
In this celebration we hear the Gospel of the Passion of Jesus
Local: Igreja de Santa Maria

5 PM
Procession of the Lord’s Steps

The procession contemplates several moments of Jesus’ ‘path of pain’, from Pilates’ Praetorium to His crucifixion at Golgotha
Route: Igreja de Santa Maria – Largo de São Pedro, Rua Josefa de Óbidos – Sermão do Encontro no Largo de Santiago – Igreja da Ordem Terceira – Passo da Porta da Vila – Passo da Praça de Santa Maria – Igreja da Misericórdia

25 March | Concert

9 PM
“Vetera Vox”

Local: Santuário Senhor Jesus da Pedra
Free entry

26 March | Concert

9 PM
“Noturnos in Sabbato Sancto”

Local: Santuário Senhor Jesus da Pedra
Free entry

27 March | Concert

9 PM
“In Memoriam Christi”

Local: Santuário Senhor Jesus da Pedra
Free entry


9 PM
Holy Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper / Footwashing

On this day, the Church recalls the Last Supper of Jesus with His disciples, where the Holy Eucharist was instituted
Local: Igreja de São Pedro

29 March | GOOD FRIDAY

3 PM
Celebration of the Lord’s Passion

At the hour of Jesus’ death, we recall His ultimate surrender of deep love: Jesus offers His innocent, pure and divine life for our salvation
Local: Igreja de São Pedro

5:30 PM
The Way of the Cross (reenactment)

Starting point: Praça de Santa Maria

9 PM
Procession of the Lord’s Burial

By the light of torches, the funeral procession leads to the tomb of Jesus
Route: Igreja da Misericórdia – Rua do Hospital – Porta da Vila – Rua Direita – Praça de Santa Maria – Largo Santiago – Rua Nova – Rua do Hospital – Largo de São Pedro – Capela de São Martinho


10 PM
Easter Vigil

In this celebration, Christians renew their baptismal vows
Local: Igreja de São Pedro


12 PM
Mass of the Resurrection
Local: Igreja de São Pedro

Programa Religioso e Cultural 2024